
Catches Update

With June and July having poor catches due to the frequent river rises and bad Westerly winds and a scarcity of fish showing . August has started with 13 fish for the week and some very nice Trout up to 4 lbs being caught . We also have competition from seals with one managing 3 fish in one tide !! But tight lines everyone and hope for more fish coming . Regards KOSAA 


Details of the club’s trout lochs available to visitors are given in the Fishing section of this web site see here. The keys for the boats are held by Kenny Campbell, our river watcher, who can be contacted at the old ice house beside the bridge at Bonar Bridge or by phone / email, see the Contact Us section here

Charges for visitors can be found in the Visitors section here.

Migdale Boat Update

The new owners of the house beside the boat moorings have sent the club the message below. 

The boat remains tied up next to the public parking on the Migdale road for the time being.

“The notice on your website regarding the boats on Loch Migdale isn’t correct, I think it worth clarifying the position:

We don’t own the land where the boats are moored, don’t have any objections to them staying there and have never asked for them to be removed.

This is our home and we do not see why fishermen should come through our garden to access the boats.  You will appreciate the position was very different when Rob was actively running a business from the house. 

When we bought the property we were assured that a new access track would be created to avoid fishermen coming through our garden to get to the boats and our understanding was that this is in hand and so there is simply no need to come through our garden.

Three club members came down on Friday specifically to move the club boat, we did not ask them to do so, We did explain that any future access to the boathouse area should not be through our garden.

I hope this clarifies the situation and would ask that you please amend the Website statement accordingly. I would suggest all that is needed is the second paragraph of the website notice saying where the boat is and how to get to it.”

Loch Migdale Boat

The new owners of the house beside the boat moorings have blocked off the access to the jetties and asked that all of the boats be removed.

The KoSAA boat has been moved and is now tied up in the trees beside the public parking space on the Migdale Road to the east of its former location.

KoSAA News Update March 2022

Unfortunately because of the ongoing coronavirus situation the committee has again decided not to hold an AGM at this time.

The Kyle will open for fishing for members and visitors on 1st June 2022. 

Contact Kenny Campbell (our river watcher) for details of when the boats will be available for trout fishing on the hill lochs. Please remember to notify Kenny of any salmon or sea trout caught by the end of the week in which the catch is made. Contact details for Kenny can be found here.

The boat at Altas has been found to be in a poor state of repair and therefore will not be put into the water this year. Apparently it is seldom used, [twice in 2021], and there are no plans to replace it at this time.  

The Kyle will remain as catch and release for 2022. This is a condition of our leases. Members and visitors may retain up to 2 sea trout per day but all finnock under 1lb and sea trout 50cm and longer must be released.

Fees for the 2022 season are as follows:

Adult Member (age 21 to 64 inclusive)£120
Senior Member (age 65 and older)£90
Adult Concession (age 18 to 20 inclusive)£50
Junior Member (age 17 and younger)Free
Associate Member£180
Visitor Tickets£35 / day; £180 / week
Below Bridge (sea trout only)£10 / day; £40 / season
Trout Lochs Boat – Visitors£20
Trout Lochs Bank – Visitors£5

Membership is restricted to permanent residents of Ross-shire and Sutherland. Associate Membership is available to persons residing outwith these areas. Membership renewal fees for the 2022 season are due by 1st May. Contact details for the treasurer can be found here.

Scap Parking

A member’s pickup caught fire in the parking spot at the Scap on Saturday night. Anyone going to the Scap should be aware that the available parking may be restricted until the pickup is removed and that there may be broken glass on the road.