Fish were still being caught up to the end of the first week, with Don MacKay recoding the best fish of the season so far.

Kyle of Sutherland Angling Association
Two sets of rod carriers were stolen from vehicles parked at the old ice house at Bonar Bridge this morning.
Other successful anglers included Ben Marshall, John MacKenzie and Fred Thomas who is thought to have caught the best fish of the day, at around 17lb, from below the road bridge.
This year, subject to availability, KoSAA members have been allocated up to two rods per day to fish on the Upper Oykel until the week ending 18th June.
For details, please see the Upper Oykel Fishings page.
In the letter sent with the membership cards and tags it was stated that:
The top of the Kyle down to the KoSAA boat mooring at Altass can now only be fished from the right bank or by boat.
This is incorrect and should read:
The top of the Kyle down to just below the first Altass turn off, travelling from Inveran, can now only be fished from the right bank or by boat.
The maps page shows the correct limits.
Permission is required from the owner before taking vehicles down the track on the right bank of the Shin to the Scap.
There are 3 padlocks on the stock gate at the entrance to the Lagain track.
One lock is for KoSAA access and the other 2 are for the other users of the track.
Please do not bypass the other 2 locks when locking the gate. The track should be accessible by unlocking any one of the 3 locks.
Thank you for your co-operation.
The subscription rates for 2017 remain unchanged.
Adult: £110
Adult Concession (age 18-20): £50
Senior (age 65 and over): £80
Junior (age 17 and under): Free
Sea trout only below (east) Bonar Bridge: £30
Cheques can be sent to the club secretary.
A key was found on the floor after the AGM. Can the owner contact the secretary to retrieve it.