Members were sent catch return forms with their membership cards and tags at the beginning of the season. Please complete these and return them to the secretary no later than 14th October 2019. Nil returns are required and please remember to enter the number of days that you fished for salmon each month on the form.
Author: Club Secretary
Pink Salmon 2019
Pink salmon have been found in the Kyle rivers during July 2019, Fishery Management Scotland have produced a new advice note. This has been produced in collaboration with Marine Scotland, SNH and SEPA and provides advice on what to do if these fish are captured or observed, what information should be recorded and how samples should be stored. The advice note may be downloaded from the Fishery Management Scotland web page on Pink salmon:-
A link to the document is also included below. Please report any incidences of these fish to Fisheries Management Scotland who will collate this information.
First Kyle Fish of the Season
KoSAA member Ruaraidh Macmillan went out at the end of the tide on 13th June for his first cast of the season and caught this nice fish of about 11lb from the Scap.

Ruaraidh said that he thought the outing was going to be waste of time but is chuffed to get off the mark. The fish was caught on a size 10 cascade with a full floating line.Well done Ruaraidh.
Scottish Govt – Conservation Status Assessment 2019
Members and visitors are reminded that the Oykel outflow (Kyle of Sutherland) Category 1 classification ends approximately 300 metres downstream of the road bridge at Bonar Bridge where the Kyle widens into the Dornoch Firth.
Upstream of this point KoSAA rules and guidelines on catch limits and tagging apply.
Downstream of this point remains Category 3 and all salmon and grilse caught must be released.
Invercharron Beats 2019
The Committee are delighted to announce that the Invercharron beats on the Kyle have now been secured by KoSAA for the 2019 season.
This means that the fishing available to members and visitors this season remains the same as last season and is shown on the Maps page.
Membership renewals and applications should be sent to Julia (Mimi) Campbell at 2 Meikle, Lairg Road, Bonar Bridge, IV24 3AW.
Kyle Boats
We have been asked by the KoSDFB to remind our members that any new boats on the Kyle should be registered with the Board in Ardgay. Boat owners only need to register their boats once and do not need to re-register each year.
Reporting Rod Fishing Effort
We have been told by Marine Scotland that in addition to catch returns of salmon and sea trout we must supply them with details of the numbers of days fished for salmon each month by our members, even if nothing is caught.
Please keep a record of the number of days on which you fished for salmon each month and record the total on the salmon / seatrout catch return form at the end of the season. Every day fished must be recorded, regardless of the amount of time spent fishing, for example, if you only fish for one hour this still counts as one rod day.
The topic sheet from Marine Scotland regarding reporting of rod fishing effort can be found here.
2019 Subscription Fees
The subscription fees for the 2019 season will remain unchanged.
Membership | Age | Fee |
Adult | 21 to 64 | £110 |
Senior | 65 and older | £80 |
Adult Concession | 18 to 20 | £50 |
Junior | 17 and younger | Free |
KoSAA AGM 2019
The AGM will be held in Edderton Community Hall on Tuesday 12 March 2019 at 7:30pm. Refreshments will be available and there will be a raffle on the night to raise funds for the Association. Our invited guest speaker is unable to attend so there will be no guest speaker this year. All welcome.
Conservation Guidelines
Fisheries Management Scotland have issued the following guidance.
The KOSAA Committee appeal to all members and visitors to follow these guidelines during
this period of exceptional weather.
Fisheries Management Scotland remain concerned about the current stress fish stocks are under, due to the combination of prolonged dry weather, high river temperatures and water abstraction in some areas. With daytime river temperatures in some areas currently in excess of 19c and hot weather set to continue, we recommend that our members consider issuing the following guidance for fisheries and anglers in their area:
• Cease fishing when river water temperature exceeds 18°C
• Use strong tackle
• Play the fish quickly
• Always use a knotless net
• Keep the fish in the water at all times
• Use long-nosed forceps or a hook releasing tool to gently remove the hookCatch and Release Best Practice can be found HERE: